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Family-Owned Jeweler in Phoenix, AZ

Modern Dijla Jewelry is the premier jeweler in Phoenix, AZ. Since our inception many years ago, we’ve provided the finest selection of diamond, gold, silver, and custom jewelry in the area. Countless satisfied customers later, we’re still thrilling the people we serve with quality jewels. We are a team of passionate professionals devoted to bringing joy to everyone who walks through our door. Whether you are shopping for a special occasion or treating yourself, we have the perfect piece of jewelry awaiting you. Weddings, valentines, birthday gifts – all are made unique and important by trusting us for your needs. We are here to enrich your fashion and your life. Next time you’re looking for a piece of fine jewelry, choose us to satisfy your desires.

Modern Dijla Jewelry old family portrait

A Legacy of Excellent Jewelry Services

Modern Dijla Jewelry is the premier jeweler in the Valley. Established in Detroit, Michigan in 1983, the shop was moved to Arizona in 2007, with customers following the work of the original goldsmith, Hikmet Mandwee.

Hikmet Mandwee, who passed away suddenly in 2020, was more than an immigrant from Iraq, more than a father, brother, husband, or friend. He was an artist whose work is worn all over the world. Specializing in custom-made jewelry, diamonds, repairs, and all other original crafts of a jeweler, Hikmet has worked as a goldsmith his entire life, just as all the men in his family did for many generations before him.

Despite the location changes, from Iraq to Detroit to Phoenix to the Heavens, Modern Dijla Jewelry and Hikmet’s legacy remain alive through his family and his daughter, Heather Mandwee, who has taken over the shop and modernized it for 21st-century styles while maintaining the same family-owned business values her father shepherded.

Modern Dijla Jewelry family

Create Your Legacy

The business values customers who value honest and genuine relationships for honest and genuine work. No store will customize your jewelry needs better, or provide better rates, especially for the diverse communities of color and Arab diaspora in the Valley.

Modern Dijla Jewelry is a shop unlike any other jewelry business you’ll find because they understand what it means to see your loved ones in your pieces, to feel the weight of memories in your gold, to sense what is bigger than just a gem or a stone: jewelry is an art that holds the legacies of love. We honor the opportunity to help you create your legacy.

The Perfect Jewelry Awaits You

We offer premier jewelry and expert services for your needs. Our team of consummate professionals has the years of experience and knowledge necessary to make your dreams come true. From our great selection to custom jewelry skills, we deliver entirely on all your desires. We’ll assist you during your entire shopping experience by listening to you and determining the perfect piece for your purposes. Your proposal, wedding, birthday, or holiday we’ll be enriched by the brilliant glimmer radiating from our selection of items. Choose us for your next diamond, gold, or silver purchase. An exciting style is waiting for you.

Contact Us Today To Discover Your Perfect Jewel